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Preparing passionate leaders driving change in sustainability and stewardship of the environment.

  —Our Mission

M.S. Forestry Sciences

Little Creek ForestThe Master of Science degree program in Forestry Sciences offers advanced study in a range of forest science sub-disciplines or in preparation for study leading to the Ph.D. degree.

Areas of Emphasis

Students may select one of the following emphasis areas that incorporate specific scientific and professional disciplines:

Forest Resource Sciences

Offers advanced preparation in the forestry disciplines of watershed management and hydrology, biometrics, forest health, forest management, and fire science. This emphasis provides students with educational credit toward registration to be a professional forester (RPF) in California. 

Environmental Management

Offers advanced preparation in the disciplines that comprise the field of environmental management, including environmental assessment, planning, mitigation and policy formation relating to a wide range of landscapes and ecosystems.

View Catalog Information

Graduate Studies Information at Cal Poly

Please visit the University's Graduate webpage for information on financial resources and graduate studies information at Cal Poly Graduate Information or our College's webpage at CAFES Graduate Information

Applying for a Master of Science in Forestry Sciences

Application and supporting materials are submitted through Cal State Apply. Specific instructions and the link to Cal State Apply can be found on the Cal Poly Graduate Education website.

To be accepted into our program you need a faculty member willing to be your graduate adviser. You should contact faculty member(s) to inquire about their willingness to serve as a faculty advisor. See NRES Faculty Directory. Identify the professor(s) who has research interests that most closely align with your own, then contact that faculty member to develop a relationship with them. Applicants who do not have a faculty member willing to be their primary advisor will not be admitted.

Depending on an applicants background, some applicants are admitted conditionally. The conditional admission requires some prerequisite courses to be satisfied. The prerequisites are determined at the discretion of the students graduate adviser.

There are additional requirements for foreign students. Questions concerning applications from foreign students should be directed to the Cal Poly Admissions Office. 

For more information contact:

Dr. SurfleetDr. Chris Surfleet

Phone: (805) 756-2743
Office: 180-518

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cap and tasselStudents have access to CAFES Academic Advisors as well as faculty in their major.

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clockOpen: M - F 8am - 5pm
Closed: 12pm-1pm for lunch
Location: 180-209


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